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Mail In Items to Inmates

Effective April 14th, 2013, there will be new limitations on incoming packages and periodicals. This change is taking affect to help improve the safety and security of the facility by eliminating the possibilities of the introduction of contraband into the facility. The changes will be as follows:

  • 1. Inmates may write as many letters of as many pages as they wish to whomever they wish with no restrictions, as long as they have sufficient supplies and postage. Inmates may receive correspondence in any quantity, and number of pages.
    Postage paid envelopes and writing materials may be purchased through commissary. Inmates shall be allowed to retain writing materials, stamps, and correspondence in reasonable amounts so as to not create a fire hazard. Indigent inmates are limited to three (3) stamped envelopes and nine (9) sheets of paper per week for outgoing personal mail. If requested indigent inmates shall be furnished a reasonable amount of paper, pencils, envelopes, and stamps to write their attorneys and the courts. The inmate’s commissary account will be debited actual postage costs for each personal indigent letter.
  • 2. Inmates shall receive magazines and paper back books directly from the publisher. Any magazine or book that contains but is not limited to: gang, drug, alcohol, explicit content, promotes disorder or violence will be returned to the publisher with a corresponding note indicating why the material is not accepted. Inmates will not be reimbursed for this. Magazines will be reviewed on an issue by issue basis and the inmate will be notified why the issues was not approved. Magazines and books will not be accepted from any source other than directly from the publisher.
  • 3. Inmates shall not receive packages. Any packages received will be returned to sender at the sender’s expense.

Any packages, books and magazines postmarked prior to April 14th, 2013 will be allowed to the inmate.

In an effort to offset the disappointment by the elimination of personal packages allowed into the facility we have made other options available to inmates and family. We have made available a program where family members can call or go online and purchase care packages that will be delivered on the next available commissary date. Family and Friends can Shop Here or call 1-800-546-6283.