Press Release The Regional Pool Alliance

05-09-2022 Press Release – Regional Pool Alliance Presentation to Commissioners Court

May 9, 2022
The Regional Pool Alliance (“RPA”) has served as the insurance provider for Aransas County since before Hurricane Harvey. After the storm, RPA offered additional services to help the County with recovery. Those services included filing insurance claims, contracting directly with various contractors and vendors for needed work and supplies, receiving insurance proceeds, administering payments to contractors and vendors, and providing other duties as needed for construction management.
Today, the Aransas County Commissioners Court held its regular bi-monthly meeting at the Aransas County Courthouse. RPA’s Director, Kathleen Hicks, gave a presentation to the Court regarding the status of the County’s insurance claims and construction projects. As the County’s recovery efforts are of great public interest, here is a brief summary of the presentation:
Ms. Hicks started by providing an overview of the claims related to the original Courthouse, temporary Courthouse, and construction of the new Courthouse. She explained that the insurance adjusters are still looking at the cost to replace the old Courthouse and that she thinks the County will receive around $19 million dollars in insurance proceeds toward the cost of the new Courthouse.
Ms. Hicks moved on to the progress at the Aransas County Detention Center and the new roof. Six other buildings were briefly mentioned and then she talked about the projects that have been completed at Road & Bridge buildings and Tiger Field. The Aransas County Airport projects are not all complete, but Ms. Hicks reported that Hangar Tall should be finished within 4 to 5 months. The Aquarium plans will be presented to the Commissioners Court soon and then to the Aransas County Navigation District before construction will begin. Ms. Hicks finished her list of projects by mentioning four of the County’s buildings near Airport Road and acknowledging that work has not been completed at the Transfer Station or Environmental Health.
Commissioners asked follow up questions about the status of various projects and for clarification of a few matters, including RPA’s dispute with a contractor.
The Commissioners Court expected to receive information about all of the projects that remain, outstanding insurance claims, a summary of claims paid and proceeds received on behalf of Aransas County to date, and a summary of any unpaid invoices for completed work. Unfortunately, the presentation did not cover all of these topics and the Commissioners Court has some concerns about not receiving the requested information. The Commissioners Court will be inviting Regional Pool Alliance to return to Court to supplement its presentation in the very near future.