Broadband for Aransas County Public Workshop: RESCHEDULED

Aransas County Holds Virtual Public Workshop to Discuss Broadband Network Enhancements

On Thursday, March 04, Aransas County will hold a virtual public engagement workshop on broadband connectivity. The county invites residents, businesses, and other interested parties to attend to learn more and share their voices.

This public workshop is a part of the Hurricane Harvey Recovery Texas CDBG DR Program Community Development Contract No. 20-065-098-C270 with the General Land Office (GLO). The goal of this workshop is to share a project overview as well as a better understanding of network primary and secondary benefits.Attendees will have an opportunity for feedback and comments.

After the events of Hurricane Harvey, Aransas County has placed a priority on preparing a fiber optic network that can support emergency communications for future events. As part of this effort, the County has received a grant from the GLO to conduct a fiber optic feasibility study to determine what a network design and funding might look like. As part of this project, the County is involving stakeholder feedback, including area partners and the public.

Judge C.H. “Burt” Mills, Jr. of Aransas County shared his support. “We are truly excited to work on such a forward-thinking project that will have multiple benefits for our community if it is constructed. We are making an extra effort to reach out well in advance of this project and listen to any and all comments from wherever they may come.”

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the Aransas Fiber Optic Loop Feasibility Study, its benefits and how it might impact their own lives. Feedback given in this session will provide a better understanding for the hired project team and will be included in the Feasibility Study documentation. The virtual event will take place on Zoom on Thursday, March 04 will run from 6-7 p.m. CT with sign-in available 15 minutes prior.

Interested attendees can visit to learn more and register to receive event reminders. Questions are welcome to be submitted in advance through event registration.

Disabled persons or those who require auxiliary aids, translation, or other services who wish to attend this meeting should contact the Judge’s Office at 361-790-0100 at least two working days before the meeting to make arrangements.


Media Contact:

Deanna Spruce, PIO
