Burn Ban


April 25, 2022

Today, the Aransas County Commissioners Court issued an extension on the Order Prohibiting Outdoor Burning for another period of Thirty (30) days. The new expiration date is May 25, 2022 This Order went into effect immediately upon issuance and prohibits delivering a spark or fire to any combustible material, including trash, debris, yard waste, and brush. Outdoor cooking and campfires are also prohibited.

Many areas of the state are currently experiencing heightened fire danger due to weather conditions and the amount of dead vegetation from last year’s freeze that acts as fuel for fires.

Violations of this Order may result in a person being charged with a Class C Misdemeanor. The Aransas County Fire Marshal and any duly commissioned peace officer may enforce this Order.

The public should note that outdoor burning is still permitted under some circumstances. The Order does not apply to outdoor burning activities that are authorized by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (“TCEQ”) for firefighter training; public utility, natural gas pipeline, or mining operations; planting or harvesting of agricultural crops; or burns that are conducted by certified and insured prescribed burn manager under the Natural Resources Code.

Thank You.