Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend (WFSCB) has received targeted funding to help people affected by Hurricane Harvey. The Hurricane Harvey Relief Initiative is designated to rebuild impacted cities, counties, schools and other eligible damaged property.
Provided by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) National Dislocated Worker (NDW) Disaster Grant,
these funds support the temporary employment needs in specific counties by working with government and community
based organizations to identify qualifying jobs and connecting qualifying dislocated workers to fill those jobs.
Job Seekers
Disasters create many different types of hardships. Losing your job is one many people face. If you are looking for work, WFSCB can help. The Hurricane Harvey Relief Initiative has many temporary jobs to benefit communities by providing additional workers to supplement their staff during disaster recovery…Read More Here.
Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend knows the counties impacted by Hurricane Harvey have a lot of work ahead. The Hurricane Harvey Relief Initiative is available to help you by supplementing your workforce and providing much-needed support. This targeted funding is specifically designed to expedite recovery efforts and get your communities back to work…Read More Here.