Debris Burning Update

Rockport, TEXAS – Texas A&M Forest Service, Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service, Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Division of Emergency Management continue to support Aransas County in the burning of vegetative debris left by Hurricane Harvey. Located at Hwy 35 Bypass and 12th street in Rockport, the burn site has been in operation since October 15th.

The vegetative debris is burned using four air curtain incinerators which reduce smoke and emissions. One ACI is loaned to the operation by Hidalgo County and three new ACI units were brought in by TDEM with another scheduled to arrive in the next couple of weeks. Operation runs from sunup to sundown. Each burner is capable of burning 30 cubic yards per hour with 25,200 cubic yards having been burned to date. Private contractors are separating and transporting construction debris to another location. No construction debris is being burned.

As the burning operation continues its mission, officials request motorists to use caution when driving by the site. Reduced speed is recommended as vehicles are frequently entering and exiting the burning operation.

Four air curtain incinerators (ACIs) burn vegetative debris left by Hurricane Harvey. Photo provided by Texas A&M Forest Service 12/9/17